Boy with three arms
Today on the news they showed a boy with three arms. He has one arm on left side and two on the right. Neither of the arms on the right are fully functional and if either of them is touched it hurts. We don't know how this happened except that the boy's DNA was somehow altered.
When DNA is altered it is damaged and bad things happen. This is because entropy (disorganization) of DNA tends to increase. In fact, every single one of us will eventually die because entropy tends to increase.
Evolutionist' believe that evolution is the result of natural selection and random mutation of DNA and this leads to more and more complex lifeforms. You might notice that evolutionist' are long winded on discussions about natural selection because we can observe that. What we have never observed is a mutation that leads to an improvement of the human species or any other species. What we do see is the extinction of species. We see species going extinct in modern times and a record of extinct species in the fossil record. This is the result of entropy.
Natural selection can't reverse the affect of entropy on DNA -- it can only slow it down.